Openvpx™ Wins Electronic Design’s Best Electronic Design Award

OpenVPX wins in the Military & Aerospace category

SCOTTSDALE, AZ, December 14, 2010 — VITA is pleased to announce that OpenVPX has won Electronic Design’s Best Electronic Design award for 2010. OpenVPX won in the Military & Aerospace category and is highlighted in Electronic Design’s December 9, 2010 issue.

“We are proud that the VITA Standards Organization’s engineering prowess and the advancement that OpenVPX represents was recognized by Electronic Design, in particular by Technology Editor, Bill Wong, who selected this product for recognition,” stated Neil Peterson, Chairman of the VPX Marketing Alliance. “VITA members have been announcing many new products for Military & Aerospace applications that conform to the OpenVPX framework.”

The OpenVPX working group, under the leadership of Curtiss-Wright Controls Embedded Computing’s Pete Jha, working group chairperson and Mercury Computer Systems’ Greg Rocco, lead editor of the working group, took OpenVPX through the development and ratification process to achieve full ANSI/VITA ratification earlier this year.

VPX is a broadly defined technology utilizing the latest in a variety of switch fabric technologies in 3U and 6U Eurocard format modules. The OpenVPX framework delineates clear interoperability points necessary for integrating module to module, module to backplane, and chassis within VPX while maintaining full compliance with VPX. OpenVPX will evolve and incorporate new fabric, connector, and system technologies as new standards are defined.

About VITA

Founded in 1984, VITA is an incorporated, non-profit organization of suppliers and users who share a common market interest in critical embedded systems. VITA champions open system architectures. Its activities are international in scope, technical, promotional, and user-centric. VITA aims to increase total market size for its members, expand market exposure for suppliers, and deliver timely technical information. VITA has ANSI and IEC accreditation to develop standards (VME, VXS, VPX, OpenVPX, VPX REDI, XMC, FMC, etc.) for embedded systems used in a myriad of critical applications and harsh environments. For more information, visit

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